
Using technology to fight addiction


Most people live very busy lives nowadays. They are tired of working and 9-hour shifts and they look for some pleasurable activities that can help them relax, have fun and maybe even win some extra money. These people choose gambling as their hobby – and we love to do that too! Especially now, with so many online casinos that have great benefits for their players such as MyTeam11 Refer Code, gambling online is even more fun. Most of us visit a casino or an online gambling platform once or twice a week, some even less and some probably more. The point is that we see it as a fun activity that helps us relax. However, when people start taking this a bit more seriously, sometimes this activity can lead to addictive behavior. The problem arises when this becomes a habit and affects the gambler’s personal or their social life.

Cry for help

When the addiction gets serious people usually start behaving strange, they stop socializing, their mood starts to vary, and after all these symptoms, their family and friends realize they are struggling with a problem they are usually unaware of. They need the support of the environment, which is of vital importance for the addiction treatment. Technology can also be quite helpful. Since there is an online gambling, of course, there is also an online therapy for people with gambling addiction. Those who choose to gamble online will in the end also choose an online option for solving their problem.

Apps are the salvation

When people think of the “app” term, the things that come to their mind are social networking apps such as Facebook or Instagram, dating apps or shopping apps, but there are also different apps that help people fight their addictions. Addicts will choose this trend among the traditional therapy because most of them are ashamed of their behavior, they feel guilty and are afraid that their problem will somehow become public and everyone will judge them.

Is it helpful?

There are both advantages and disadvantages of this kind of the addiction treatment. When the advantages are concerned, the addicts usually want their privacy to be secure and they do not want other people to know about their problem. Sometimes, they even try to hide it from their beloved ones. In addition to that, these apps are usually free, or their downloading is pretty reasonably priced. This is an important thing since these addicts have already faced the financial problems and some of them cannot afford an expensive therapy.

Real or false therapy?

When we think of the disadvantages, the first thing that comes to our mind is that the identity of an addict and a therapist are always questioned, since you do not get a real live contact. Also, the therapist does not get the whole picture of an addict and the detailed reasons that led him/her to this addiction, because they lack this true physical part of the therapy.

Choices, choices

There are different kinds of apps one can choose when fighting the gambling addiction. There is a possibility of creating a group in order to chat and share the gambling addiction experience. Former addicts can also help active addicts by morally supporting them and making their recovery easier and more efficient. They can compare their experience and find the way to beat the addiction.

There are also apps that involve real therapists that can get in touch with the addicts and answer their questions about how to fight the addiction and counsel the addicts until they feel better and finally recover.

Moreover, an app that can be fairly useful is the app that blocks gambling sites. You can install this app and choose an option for blocking all of the sites of the casinos that allowed this.


In a word, if your gambling evolves from fun activity to a way of life, it is crucially important to seek help, and the best kind of help can be free and efficient and save your privacy.